What To Do If You Are Charged With A Crime That You Did Not Commit?

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what to do if you are charged with a crime that you did not commit

What To Do If You Are Charged With A Crime That You Did Not Commit?

Being unexpectedly accused of a crime that you did not commit is a scary and perplexing situation. You might be confused about how to respond to the unfair charges you are suffering. Although you are not alone in such a situation. Over 2% to 3% of prisoners are actually innocent, which equates to about 40,000 out of the 2 million prisoners nationwide. It’s crucial to remember that though you’ve been suspected, detained, or charged with a crime, it doesn’t necessarily indicate you’re guilty. So, finding the best criminal defense lawyer can help you to prove yourself innocent of all the charges.

If you are charged with a crime or arrested merely means that you will have to defend yourself as innocent in court, which may be a stressful procedure regardless of whether you have committed it or not. If you are accused of a crime you did not commit, you need to immediately consult an expert criminal defense attorney who can manage your case professionally.

Let’s keep the following things in mind as important if you are charged with a crime that you didn’t commit –

  • You Have The Right To Hire A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Whenever you are accused of any criminal charges, you’ve got the constitutional right to speak with or get represented by an attorney. Hiring a criminal defense lawyer to deal with law enforcement has several advantages since your civil rights are almost certainly going to be safeguarded. If law enforcement won’t allow you to speak with a criminal attorney for legal advice, their evidence against you might no longer be admissible in court. Therefore, it’s always a good idea to hire a lawyer to handle your case and defend your innocence. Because any circumstance that could result in serious legal consequences should be handled with extra care and attention, which should include engaging a specialist who is experienced with similar cases to yours to establish your innocence and safeguard you from the chance of being wrongfully imprisoned.

  • Ask For A Search Warrant Before Allowing To Invest Your Property

Before allowing anyone to investigate your property, make sure to ask for a search warrant first. You don’t have to allow police officers to search your home, car, or property unless they can show you a search warrant, so you need to understand it cautiously. A judge-signed search warrant specifies in detail what the police are permitted to search for. Don’t forget to overlook the search warrant at any cost.

  • Never Make Any Statements To Anyone

Don’t communicate anything to anyone whenever you are charged with a criminal case, in which you are just innocent. Because you’ve got the right to remain silent, and you never need to reply to a police officer’s questions. It’s difficult to prove your innocence to police authorities in case you are charged with a crime you aren’t accused of, and your risk making a statement that could be used against you later. And so, it’s crucial to remember that this holds for everyone, not just law enforcement. Don’t discuss the matter or the accusations made against you with anyone, particularly not on social media. Because anything you say could be used against you in unexpected ways.

  • Avoid Taking With Your Accuser

It’s better to avoid communicating with your accusers as wrong allegations can stir up intense emotions, so you should make every effort to avoid speaking to them. That’s also unwise to pursue any sort of communication with your accuser, no matter how brief you believe it may be, even if you think they could be open to having a cooperative, calm dialogue about the misunderstanding. Furthermore, since you are already agitated by the situation, you never know when an accuser may lash out or act in a way that could inspire you to lash out. Before talking with anyone, you also need to seek the permission of your appointed criminal defense lawyer to ensure safety.

  • Accumulate Witness And Evidence To Support Your Innocence

You need to collect proof and witness right away if you have been charged with a crime you didn’t commit, in order to establish your alibi and establish your innocence. It’s even a good idea to be ready, even if you don’t know for sure whether the person who accused you will actually file a lawsuit against you. Any evidence or witness testimony that can show you were not present when the alleged crime was committed should be documented and kept in a secure location so it cannot be lost or erased.

From false accusations to eyewitness misidentification, unvalidated evidence, police misconduct, and “snitch” testimony are common reasons for wrong allegations and convictions. While being falsely accused of a crime is extremely scary, so it’s crucial to maintain your composure and abide by the advice of criminal defense lawyer as you work to clear your name and safeguard your family from the repercussions of an incorrect conviction.

To know more about how to protect your legal rights, you can simply consult an experienced legal team of Singh Law 4 U for an immediate consultation. So, feel delighted to dial us at (508) 342-5551 today for the best legal help!


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