5 Things a DUI Lawyer Can Do (That You Probably Can’t)

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DUI Lawyer Can Do

5 Things a DUI Lawyer Can Do (That You Probably Can’t)

How can the best DUI lawyer in Massachusetts help you? The majority of DUI offenders struggle to perform numerous tasks competently, but an experienced attorney can accomplish them all.

And we’re not referring to routine maintenance like changing your car’s oil. Your freedom could be at stake in a DUI case.

Here are five things a DUI lawyer can do that you probably can’t (or wouldn’t know how to do) on your own, just to emphasize the point:

  1. Tell you to be quiet when it counts

A qualified DUI attorney can advise you on when to keep your mouth shut, which is one of the benefits of having someone else represent you other than yourself. A capable DUI attorney might also advise you against testifying in your own defense because doing so might subject you to questioning by the prosecution.

  1. Know the ins and outs of the local courts

A local DUI lawyer will be far more familiar and experienced in the courtroom than you unless you spend a lot of time in and out of criminal court, which is something we hope you don’t do. You can choose a DUI lawyer who is comfortable dealing with local judges, juries, and local court procedures even if they might not have as much courtroom experience as a public defender.

  1. Keep track of legal deadlines, filings

There are several deadlines for actions in a DUI case that you could miss. For instance, it might be nearly impossible to obtain important proof of potential police misconduct if you wait too long to request police dashcam film. In your DUI case, there may be a variety of motions that need to be submitted, and your lawyer is prepared to do so in a timely manner.

  1. Negotiate with tough prosecutors

DUI attorneys frequently negotiate plea deals or jail alternatives for drunken driving offenders with the assistance of local prosecutors. These lawyers possess years of credibility, trust, and bargaining experience that you do not. In reality, many prosecutors won’t even try to negotiate with a defendant who is defending himself.

  1. Help to expunge your conviction

Even if you have a conviction, a DUI lawyer may be able to assist you to have it expunged so that it won’t harm your credit or chances of finding employment in the future. An experienced lawyer will be able to negotiate the extremely complicated state and municipal court expungement procedures.

If you’re still debating whether to hire a DUI attorney, keep in mind that many of them offer free consultations. Get in touch with Singh Law 4 U for the best DUI lawyer in Massachusetts.


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